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Writer's pictureTiffany Edwards CPT

Goals That Are Easier To Reach

Goal setting example

Ever set a health or fitness goal that felt like something you had to drag yourself through?


And then, before you know it, found yourself quitting on it — yet again?


We’ve all been there. We set big “important” goals — but when it's time to take action, we often fall short.


It starts off with small things like: 

●      skipping a workout

●      ordering a burger and fries when you were planning on getting a salad

●      drinking that Diet Coke when you promised yourself you’d stick to water


And the list goes on…


Sure, all of these things might be fine once in a while. But when they become more than “once in a while” — that’s when it becomes a challenge to take charge of your health.


It could feel like you’re constantly playing tug-of-war with yourself…


And it’s not a fun place to be in.


The good news is that there's a way out of this cycle.


👉It’s called: Values-Based Goal Setting (VBG).


Because when you set the right goal and have a realistic plan that fits your values (and life!) — it’s SO MUCH EASIER to stay on track.


So grab a piece of paper and a pen, because it’s time to go to work!


Step 1: What’s your big goal? What do you want to accomplish?

Example: Finish your first 5k, lose 20 pounds, or lower your blood pressure to 120/80.


Step 2: Use the following prompts to help you align your goal with your values and personality to create the best route for YOU to get there.


●      Make three columns on the piece of paper.

●      Label the first column “I’m the kind of person who…”,

●      The second column “And it’s important to me that…”,

●      And the third, “So I’d feel good about accomplishing…”

●      Then, fill it out in a way that’ll help you come up with a plan to achieve your goal!


See how this is a little different than setting normal goals?


It blends your personality with what matters to you… so you can carve out a path that fits who you are.


Once you find your groove, it’s a matter of sticking to your plan, celebrating your small wins, and reminding yourself WHY you set your goal!


If you find yourself struggling with this, we can help.


With our personalized services, you'll have someone in your corner who not only knows WHAT to do — but reminds you WHY you need to do it on days you feel like giving up.


Want to see if 1:1 training is right for you? Click here to book a call.

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