Let’s talk about the most important muscle in your body… your heart!
Chances are you don’t spend a lot of time thinking about your heart, but it works SO HARD for you 24/7, 365 (366 this year) days a year!
Check out these eye-opening heart stats:
It beats about 2.5 billion times (!!!) during your lifetime
All of those heartbeats push millions of gallons of blood to every part of your body
That blood carries oxygen, hormones, fuel, cells, and important compounds your body needs to function
PLUS, blood whisks away waste products as it travels through your body
When your heart stops, many of your body’s essential functions fail almost instantly.
And that is NOT a good situation — especially since heart disease is the No. 1 killer globally… and 47% of Americans have at least one of the three major risk factors!
February is American Heart Month — and it’s time to give yours some TLC.
Which is why I have a little challenge for you this month:
Every day in February, take at least ONE action EVERY DAY to keep your heart healthy.
Eat a healthy, whole-foods-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats like nuts, seeds, and olive oil.
Get at least 30 minutes of exercise
Make time for sleep
Build a healthy lifestyle — don’t smoke and do keep your weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels in check.
Not only would you be taking a major step to improve your health — you’d feel better and have more energy!
Are you with me?
PS: Need help dialing in your nutrition? Take this quick survey to see if our transformation programs are a good fit for you. We get started on February 26th!