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Writer's pictureTiffany Edwards CPT

9 Ways To Get (And Stay) Motivated

Black woman stretching on yoga mat.

I get asked all the time:

“How do you stay so motivated?”

Fact: I don’t! …. So I work at it!

Motivation is like a muscle – the more you flex it, the stronger it becomes.

But what do you do to get your motivation “muscle” in shape in the first place?

You find ways to intentionally keep yourself motivated!

I’ve put together a list of proven ways to build motivation right into your healthy habits.

1. Make it fun! Try a new recipe. Do a new workout (working with a fitness pro is a no-brainer for this one!). Listen to your favorite music. Challenge yourself to try one new fruit or veg a week.

2. Set a goal that gets you psyched. Sign up for a fun run. Go for a weekend hiking trip. Try a new recipe every week for three months. Sign up for a dance or kickboxing class.

3. Make it part of your routine. Park farther away from your destination. Take the stairs. Go for a lunchtime walk outside. Work out as soon as you wake up in the morning. Hit the grocery store first thing on a weekend morning.

4. Create a journal. Document your progress: What did you do today that was great? What are you planning to do tomorrow? Write it down – and also write down how you feel about it.

5. Set up a reward system! Internal rewards: Be sure to tell yourself “good job” every time you follow through on your commitments to yourself. (It really does matter.)

External reward: Set milestones and then reward yourself (new shoes, new gear, massage, etc.) for reaching them.

6. Build a solid support and accountability circle. Find a supportive friend or group that will keep you moving forward. Working with a coach is invaluable here! 7. Motivate somebody ELSE! Motivating others is incredibly motivating for YOU. How do I know? Well, let’s just say as I am writing this it’s getting me psyched about my own routine.

8. Start the day off right. When you start your morning with a healthy meal or workout, it can set the tone for the entire day!

9. Work with a pro. There is nothing more motivating than seeing – and feeling – a noticeable difference in how you feel, move, and look!

Whether you’re in search of one-on-one training or looking to join a community to guide you through your fitness journey (virtually or in-person), we have a program that will help you take charge of your health!

Let's start building that motivation muscle together, schedule your complimentary wellness consultation today.

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